Tag: MIC

  • Japanese Home-Style Cooking Class

    Last year, I attended a class that introduced foreigners to Japanese home-style cooking. We made takikomi, miso soup, an assortment of tempura, a hijiki and soybean dish, and some instant vegetable pickles (who knew there was such a thing?).

    It was surprisingly fun, especially considering that my culinary experience has been rather tame. It was also neat to see how some of the dishes I’ve been eating are actually prepared.

    And having worked up an appetite, we were all delighted to discover how tasty our creations came out. =)

  • Marukajiri!

    I just got back from an event at the Matsuyama International Center called “Marukajiri, Eat Up! South America.” It was basically a cultural introduction to Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, and Peru, at which representatives who live in Matsuyama spoke about their native countries against the backdrop of PowerPoint slide shows of their photos.

    I was introduced to Yerba Maté from an actual maté gourd, had some dulce de leche, got to try a Brazilian social dance, and learned about a South American restaurant here in Matsuyama. But perhaps best of all, I made a couple new friends and was invited to play soccer on Sundays and dance salsa once a month at a local pub. Sweet! 😀